January 2022

Creating Value Beyond Reference Based Pricing
As the cost of health benefits continues to rise faster than the rate of inflation, many plan sponsors are looking for alternatives to traditional PPO networks. Plan sponsors want benefits administration partners that can deliver creative and comprehensive solutions that control costs while delivering high quality clinical outcomes and member satisfaction. SmartDecision, HealthSmart’s approach to Reference Based Pricing (RBP), offers a unique alternative. Read More>>>

Welcome to the new year! Last week, we posted an article summarizing the successes we saw in 2021.  The future looks bright for HealthSmart, especially the opportunities that await us and our clients. We can't wait to get started! Read more>>>

Most of us won’t soon forget 2021. For many, it was another year of hand washing, social distancing, masking, and staying home. Yet, even in the face of these seemingly unsurmountable challenges, our HealthSmart team pulled together to continue to provide innovative solutions and excellent service to our clients. Perhaps at no other time in our history has it been more important to deliver on our promise of treating our customers and our colleagues with dignity and respect. Read more>>>
