Who We Are

About HealthSmart

Driving our values and goals with vision and purpose

HealthSmart is one of the largest third party administrators in the country and the premier provider of customizable and scalable health plan solutions for self-funded employers. We reduce costs and improve outcomes, all while treating our health plan members with dignity and respect. But that's just the beginning of our story. 

We're a company of innovators.

  • We deliver health benefit plans and solutions to provide worry-free, self-funded plan administration, quality coverage, and innovative care.
  • We provide care management services that change lives and helps employers and members take control of healthcare costs.
  • Our Network Solutions group offers national, comprehensive provider networks to provide member access to the right care.
  • HealthSmart Casualty Claims Solutions leverages technology, robust information and unmatched experience to deliver innovative casualty claims management solutions with outstanding results.  
  • We offer business intelligence and web-based reporting. Plus, we offer a variety of health and wellness initiatives and even onsite employer clinics.

We make differences in peoples' lives every single day.

Delivering on Value

At the core of what we do, we improve health while reducing costs. There are a lot of companies with similar goals. With proven expertise paired with creative, innovative thinking, we deliver solutions that solve problems in healthcare.

  • We improve health and lower spending by providing access to the highest quality providers at the lowest cost.
  • We save plan dollars through our proprietary PPO networks, nationwide network partnerships and effective non-network negotiations.
  • We help members get healthier and avoid future complications and unnecessary expenses with our care management programs that identify risks, measure results and help you plan for the future.
  • We protect our clients by managing risk and reducing financial exposure.

Our Future

As we look ahead to the future of healthcare, we know there are challenges our clients face every day as they work to provide a combination of good benefits and cost control for their employees. We also know the struggles people face when it comes to healthcare, such as access to quality care at a price that’s affordable. Our leadership team works hard to understand our clients, their needs and the needs of the member. We’re committed to delivering the right solutions to make things better for our clients and members.

Our commitment is best summarized in our Brand Promise…

We partner to provide every service that plan sponsors need to reduce healthcare costs and manage members with dignity and respect. We do this by:

  • Understanding our clients and responding with best-in-class service, support, and intelligence
  • Providing compassionate and effective care management of complex medical conditions
  • Innovating to deliver unique services that protect members and the client from unnecessary health care expense

Our Values

  • Earned trust – We use actions, not words, to earn the trust of our clients and members, and we deliver on what we say to keep that trust.
  • Respect always – In our daily jobs, we do things that demonstrate respect for the members we serve, our clients and each other.
  • Do the right thing – We don’t take shortcuts, we don’t let things fall through the cracks and when things don’t go as planned, we make things right.
  • Get better every day – As good as our solutions, processes and workflows are today, we continually search for ways to improve.
  • Innovation – We think of new ways to solve problems, old and new, and deliver unique services that protect members and the client from unnecessary health care expense.
  • Accountability – We take responsibility for ourselves to own the quality of the jobs we perform, and hold each other to the same standards.
  • Clients First – We listen, clarify and confirm to understand our clients and respond with best-in-class service, support, and intelligence.
  • Handle With Care – We will treat every member with dignity and respect, whether assisting with claims, providing compassionate and effective care management, or answering questions.