Who We Serve


Designing solutions with maximum flexibility for employers

More and more employers are recognizing the benefits of self-funding their health plan coverage for their employees. Instead of purchasing prepackaged plans, employers can design plans exactly to their specifications based on their individual needs.  HealthSmart is the expert at flexible health plan design and plan administration.

employer-(1).jpgWith HealthSmart, employers get the plan that works best for them and their employees, based on their specific needs with a focus on member advocacy and decision support. They have real visibility into the costs of plan administration. Costs are reduced because premium taxes are reduced, plus the employer maintains control of health plan reserves and can take advantage of interest income.

  • One-stop resource for multiple solutions
  • Flexibility to develop plans and customize networks that meet employers’ specific, individual needs
  • Visibility into claims data for better insights to financially plan benefit costs
  • Focus on member advocacy that is tailored to client and member needs
  • Intelligent fraud, waste and abuse solutions that demonstrate plan savings of more than five percent over other solutions

For employers looking to leverage the benefits of self-insured health coverage, HealthSmart delivers flexible, comprehensive solutions and unmatched expertise. Current HealthSmart clients are very satisfied with the services we provide, resulting in a Net Promoter Score ranking in the top 1 percent of health plans!