June 2018

Good Things Are Happening at HealthSmart

6/15/2018 7:15:28 AM

By Phil Christianson, CEO

Today is a very exciting day for HealthSmart, and for me personally, as we launch our new company website. It is a reflection of the efforts we are making to better serve our broker community, employers and members. We work hard every day to be the best partner we can for our clients. 

We designed this site to be more than just a place to learn more about our company. It’s a place for us to share valuable, thought-provoking information with our clients and the market. It’s a place to learn about our vision and strategy in an ever-changing healthcare market. It’s a place to learn about our many solutions we provide. And, of course, we provide valuable tools for our clients and members. 

In our new HealthSmart blog, you’ll be hearing from me and several other leaders from HealthSmart on a regular basis. We want this to be a place to communicate with you – our current and future clients and members - about how HealthSmart can serve and solve for many of the complexities and needs of the healthcare industry. Healthcare is complex and ever-changing. This is why we want to deliver up-to-date information across the industry to better serve you and engage you in the conversation. 

When I look at healthcare, I see so many things that can or should be changed. My executive team is made up of innovators, thought leaders and experts who see the same thing. So, we take a step back and consider how we can do things differently. Take care management, for example. A customer of ours had three team members who were in end-stage renal failure and undergoing dialysis, one of the costliest treatments in healthcare. These members participated in our dialysis care management program with a HealthSmart case manager for care coordination, compliance oversight, evaluation and monitoring of healthcare coverage options, and benefit and social resource guidance. The savings for these three members was more than $3 million over a 22-month period. It’s all because we think differently and come up with better solutions. 

We’re doing really good things at HealthSmart that we are extremely proud of. It is not an overstatement to say that we are changing lives for the better. We receive letters from members who want to share their stories and to thank us for what we do. We'd like to share some of those stories with you in future postings. 

Good things are happening at HealthSmart, and I’m proud to be a part of it. 
