How We Help

HSRx Prescription Drug Card

Lowering pharmacy costs for clients and members.

HSRx Prescription Drug Card Pharmacy

HealthSmartRx Solutions provides comprehensive solutions to help members and our clients save on prescription drug costs. It starts with best-in-class Pharmacy Benefits Management (PBM), pharmacy rebates, and high-cost specialty drug management programs.

But that’s just the beginning. The HealthSmart Prescription Drug Card gives members without coverage another tool to reduce costs by taking advantage of significant discounts on prescription medications.

It’s available to anybody, and you can download and start using it today!

HealthSmartRx Discount Card:

  • Deliver cost savings of up to 75% on most prescription medications at more than 67,000 pharmacies
  • Leverage lowest-price logic to ensure members get the best pricing on prescriptions
  • Offer retail pharmacy discount program to ease members’ financial hardships and make prescription medications more affordable for the underinsured and uninsured
  • Buffer costs due to coverage gaps
  • Complement and add value to health plans, including Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), High Deductible Plans and Medicare Part D discounts on non-covered drugs

Note: This card is not insurance.

HealthSmartRX Solutions